“It is a good rule to ban public smoking and especially for Cambodia”
In Cambodia rolling tobacco up and betel nut leaves for cigarettes is part of our culture. This tradition continues today and we often see elderly people smoking these cigarettes at home. Recently, we can see more and more people smoking in public place. However, the media and the government have launched campaigns against smoking can cause health problems and is bad for the environment. However, smokers continue to smoke. In public, we can see at least a couple of people smoking which is really bad for those who are non-smokers since they do not have a choice about inhaling second-hand smoke. This smoke can cause lung the throat cancer, and tuberculosis. Banning smoking is public places and in office buildings is, therefore, a good rule because is can encourage smokers to quit, help the environment, and can protect the health of non-smokers.

First, banning smoking in public places can encourage smokers to quit smoking because there are fewer places to smoke. In this, may feel encouraged to quit smoking since there are a few places to smoke that will make the smoker to wait until the specific area. In order for those who smoke to get to the place, she/he will have to spend time to there. In fact, they will have to spend time either too long or travel for such distance just to smoke. Since this day people are very busy to work plus many workplaces is not allow smoking so smokers will be courage to quit smoking.
Second, banning smoking in public places is a good rule because it helps protect the environment. Cigarette ash can burn things easily and butts litter the street. In Cambodia, smokers do not pay attention to cigarette ash and it often causes fires, especially along the side of the road and in some garden areas. Furthermore, cigarette butts pollute the environment when smokers through them away after smoking. They transferred to many places by wind, river and rain. They end up on streets and in rivers. Since cigarettes contain nicotine, this poisonous chemical turns the water brown and causes disease in the fish. This is happening in my hometown Siem Reap. Banning smoking in public places is a good rule because it protects the environment.
Finally, not allowing smoking in public places is a good rule because it helps to protect the health of non-smokers. Second0hand smoke is just as dangerous as first-hand smoke. No-smokers inhale smoke when they are bear by smokers; for example, at parks, in restaurants are often smoky at lunchtime in Seim Reap. The smoke drifts every while non-smokers are having their lunch. Non-smokers are forced to inhale this smoke and have their lunchtime ruined by it. To sum up, not allowing smoking in public places is a good rule because it helps to protect the health of non-smokers.
In conclusion, banning public smoking in public places and office building is a wonderful rule because it decreases litter and keeps water clean. It also helps to protect the health of non-smokers. Smokers need to respect the life of others as his/her own life, and this rule helps them to do this.