From young to teenager, and from teenager to adult, then from adult to old, then from older to get older. At the end THINGS are gone. If you are looking at yourself, there will be your body, your things and what else!. The things, we are using in our lives will be soon getting old and end up thrown away. Your pretty body will be old and die. Stop wasting yourself of being negative, stop wasting yourself of being ignored. Life is too short to think of messing stuff.
Use your deep virtual to understand your heart and your thought that make it into YOU. Things will be dies, money will be gone, and your body will die, but YOU will not die because of your heart and thought are still remain you. You have a great heart with thought that they are best friends with you. You do not need to approve people of who you are, you don’t need to seek for anyone to care about you. Do not worry of who would judge you badly, except from yourself (listen to your heart and thoughts). In your hand is your own life, you make your own story that many people can not edit your story unless you wanted to do it by yourself. In your story, you might not be able to rewind, but you still can change it for the end. Life is too short to do bad things, please give your life a good break by putting positive sharing to inspire others. Stop wasting your time of being too upset of getting possessive, money, and approval. They are all will die with the body, but your strong thought to endure others are the greatest things will stay forever for everyone. Your body is meaningless and it is just the carrier to help you out for moving and it is up to you how you wanted to maintain the outlook of your body. Let try to invest in our great youth to keep our world better and to help our in many ways we can. Let make our story to be the best for good.