You may ask people for help to stop the voice and the knowledge that leads you to wherever they wanted. To keep your mind a break is writing things you would like to. It does not need to be formal writing, it can be anything. Until you have got to realize it, you then decided on your own way to deal with it. July was the most stressful month for me, as it is for many others who move to a new place. The start of the move into a new settled place to stay whether it is in the countryside, city or suburb means extra stress for everyone everywhere.
In my experience settling in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, I also have additional voice chatting to me at the start of all time and almost not giving me time to have a break including strangling to this new place, as well as the extra thought on how to communicate with new people here. It was two years ago that I had to look at myself and then decide what several things I must take part to do it, and do it regularly to stop this voice while I was still in the middle of a new orientation in such a new city.

I actually speak Khmer, the language that everyone speaks here, but still, I had to adjust my accent to be like everyone else here in Phnom Penh. Since I am not qualified enough to train my thought against this voice. I went straight to get the book and then start to write something, at night or whenever I got time, I just read. I consider books are the closest friend you ever have. They stop the bad thinking and allow your mind back on the same track. Writing and reading are the best medicine to help you calm your feeling. They are the silent teachers to help you out from the outside thoughts. As humans, you are always with somebody, and you do not even aware of that sometimes. The voice and the conversation keep talking with you without letting you relax at all.
Let compare how pangolin: a type of anteater armored with a hard shell of scales, it is not just to wins the nature of living itself, but also has its own way to roll, covering the entire body to have a way to protect itself. Its flexibility of it is one way to win. So you know once you can calm your mind by reading, writing, and taking it as regular routine your day will get calmer.